

13 APR / 15:00 Tsinandali Estate
From April 13, Tsinandali Estate will host the Kirill Zdanevich exhibition.
Kirill Zdanevich (1892-1969) is one of the main originators of the modernization of Georgian fine arts. As a central figure of Tbilisi's avant-garde movement, the artist significantly determined the leading artistic processes and tendencies of the period that entered history as Georgian modernism.
The biography and oeuvre of Kirill Zdanevich reflected the polyphony of multicultural Tbilisi and resonated with each artistic-historical critical event of the first half of the XX century, such as Pirosmanashvili, "Futurist Syndicate", the group "41°", artistic cafes and their murals, Georgian theater and artistic books, or the Soviet regime and its totalitarian influence on art and people.
The exhibition will present 11 works of Kirill Zdanevich from Givi Farastashvili's private collection. The works display a retrospective of the artist's oeuvre starting with the Cubo-Futurist compositions of the 1910s, heading to the landscapes of the 1960s, including the landmark works of Zdanevich's oeuvre and Georgian fine arts of the 1st half of the 20th century in general.
The gallery will be open for two months at Tsinandali Museum.
The exhibition is presented by Silknet