

ANKA KOIAVA – 19 years old. Studies in Visual Arts, Architecture and Design School (VA[A]DS) in Free University of Tbilisi with concentration of Interior Design. 

LIZA KAJRISHVILI – 19 years old. Studies at VA[A]DS university in Tbilisi, degree of painting . 

MASU MTSARIASHVILI –  19. Currently working as a clothing designer and a photographer. While studying visual arts and design in (VA[A]DS) Free University of Tbilisi she discovered her love for fashion through photography. 

Escape from clichés, traditions, outdated and irrelevant values, home, school, church…The idea of escape precisely encapsulates the entire collection. Each item they have created reflects the greatest desire to run away.

Escape from home – houses and household items symbolize large Georgian families, where Soviet-born grandparents, civil war-born parents from depressed post-Soviet Georgia, and adults born in a free country live together. Childhood passes along with imposing completely mutually exclusive ideologies – outdated, ascetic forms of upbringing from the older generation, false freedom from parents, romanticized criminal life on the streets.

Escape from family pressures expressed with the one and the same already fed up things that are kept in almost every Soviet family and which the older generation takes care of more than themselves.

“Madonna’s Service” is a kind of dish that is only needed to be put on the shelf and its practical use is not allowed. Cupid embroidered on clothes is a fragment taken from “Madonna’s Service”, which is simultaneously an ancient god of sadness and love.

Escape from school – the silhouettes of school uniforms, harshness, carnations – the symbol of the first day of school. This form conveys the school routine, a system of education rooted in the Soviet Union fighting against diversity and creativity, which uses completely amortized, rigorous methods trying to enroll school students in a common exemplary image.

Escape from clichés, from the church, from false values – this idea is expressed in the collection along the line of philosophy “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” – a monument to the human supernatural.

This was the favorite book of Nika Joradze to which Reckless is dedicated. Nika was exploring life through chaos – the only way of the reinvention of the self. Artists believe one is incapable of creating anything important, anything beyond oneself in any form without going through the chaos. We must hold onto our potential for change and in doing so we can continue to be creative and strive to become something more than we currently are – a dancing star.