

#Glimpseingallery - Ekaterine Totladze (2001) is a student, who won ATINATI’S award. “WHITE NOISE” is the title of her first personal exhibition. The talented artist dedicated four months to crafting the captivating series, “WHITE NOISE” exclusively for this show. Ekaterine Totladze’s new series focuses on the observation of an individual, elevating the subject to an object of scrutiny. A separate wall in the show is dedicated to displaying the artist’s early work. This particular canvas played a pivotal role in determining the contestant’s fate and garnered unanimous approval from the jury. Consequently, the wall housing this significant piece carries a metaphorical load, symbolizing the journey from the victory to the realization of the solo exhibition. The ATINATI Foundation instituted a prize for students at A. Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. Fourth-year fine arts students had the opportunity to enter the open competition by registering within a month. Through a selection process conducted behind closed doors, a panel comprising both local and international jury members identified the top six students. The contestants presented their artworks to a diverse audience in the exhibition hall of the Academy of Arts. Among them, Ekaterine Totladze emerged as the winner. Following the award conditions, the artist received a prize of €5,000. This occasion is marked by the hosting of her personal exhibition at the ATINATI Culture Center.